Monday, April 18, 2011

Max on Life - a review

This is one of the books that I would have liked to have had more time to savor, rather than having to read it quickly to meet a deadline for the review. I would have liked to have had it several years ago while attending seminary, as it would have been a great tool in several of the classes.

This book is formatted as an advice column: Max answers questions from struggling believers, from agnostics, and I think even a self-professed atheist or two, on matters of the faith. Throughout the book his brief but touching answers make it plain why Max Lucado is one of America’s favorite authors. Whether you’re asking questions about hope in the midst of despair, to help you deal with relationship issues, your kids, or what happens after I die, Max has answers.

Real questions from real people form the basis for the book, and Max answers as YOUR pastor,( or the pastor you wish was yours) would. You can read it as a daily devotional, when there is a certain issue you’re dealing with, or on those days when you just need to know that you’re not the only one with problems and that God loves you.

As a believer who often has questions, I found this book helpful. As a pastor who often needs answers to questions from members of the congregation, I’m delighted to have this book as a part of my library.

five stars!

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for writing the review.

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