Friday, October 9, 2015

Women in Asia Need Prayer and Fellowship

There are women in countries all over Asia who have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior.  So what happens next. Here in Utah as in the rest of the United States, it's generally pretty easy to find a church to connect with. That connection with a local church generally means that there are mature Christian women that they can connect with. That connection means more than just fellowship, it means discipleship. 

But what happens when you accept Christ, and there are no other believers in your village? When you're the only person in your family who is a Christ follower? (and in many places the whole family is a religious other and is not very happy with your decision to leave that faith). 

Believers in other countries need the same close fellowship accountability and the study of God’s Word as do believers in the West. Those things play a vital role in helping these women thrive in Christ. 

Gospel for Asia has Women's Fellowships that offer those crucial things that all believers need. 

Please pray this month for Gospel for Asia’s Women’s Fellowships, that they would find new believers, that new believers would find them. Pray for their safety, and that the fellowships would provide an avenue that leads to Christian growth!

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