Thursday, March 5, 2020

the Basic Bible Atlas

A lot of people I talk with have trouble following the biblical narrative. And I have to include myself in that number. The maps that we use today have different names than those that were used in the thousands of years leading up to the time of Jesus. And by the time of Jesus, and then when Paul was making his missionary journeys, many of the names had changed again. 
                John A. Beck has put together the facts that we need to know to be able to follow God’s story.  He calls it a ‘basic’ tool; I think it’s much more than that. The Basic Bible Atlas: A Fascinating Guide to the Land of the Bible (Baker Books, 2020) is more than just a book of maps. Beck starts out by introducing the Atlas, and also the Biblical World.

Using geography as the basis for his explanation, Beck starts with the Creation and the Fall, and then walks the reader through the Exodus story, and into the Promised Land. Many of us have read the Bible, but get confused as to distances, and to the geographic areas that are being discussed. It doesn’t seem to matter if we’re talking about the Garden of Eden, the time in Egypt, Israel’s time in the Promised Land, the divided Kingdom, Israel’s time in Exile, Jesus’ travels, or the later journeys of Paul, and even the 7 churches of the Revelation.   
This book, with its chronological divisions is an easy to follow guide. For people who are visual learners, this is an invaluable tool.  Granted there is not as much information in this book as might be found in others, but for other than serious students ( think post-graduate level) of the bible, I think this is more than enough information, and it’s helpful that it is presented in an easy to read format, rather than an academic style which for most people would be just as confusing as if they were trying to piece things together for themselves based on the biblical text.
I give this a solid A.
The publisher provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for posting my own opinion on my blog. I was not required to write a positive review.

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