Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Rescue; Seven People, Seven Amazing Stories...

Many of us have been convinced that there were no options, but then got a good night’s sleep, and woke up feeling refreshed, and able to face another day.  That is many, or even most of us. But some people really do fall into a seemingly bottomless pit, and not see a way out—there are no good night’s sleeps. But then just when it seems that there are no options, Jesus shows up, and life turns the corner.  Sometimes when Jesus is all that you have, you finally realize that Jesus is all you really need.
And in The Rescue: Seven People, Seven Amazing Stories (Jim Cymbala with Ann Spangler, Zondervan, 2017) we meet some people whose lives had taken the turn for the worse, and they thought there was no hope, UNTIL they had their own personal encounter with the Living Lord.
For many people miracles are those things that happened back in New Testament times, when Jesus healed the lame, fed the multitudes, and caused the blind to see, but in this book the Doubting Thomases among us see that miracles still do happen.
I enjoyed reading the stories, and the fact that there are names and pictures of the people involved makes this a little more enjoyable, but in many ways the stories are like those in a Guideposts magazine, or in a Chicken Soup for the Soul book.
Still, I’ll give it a C+/B-

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