Thursday, September 8, 2016

GFA 7 Our daily Bread

       I remember going to my grandmother’s house on baking day and enjoying the smell of freshly baked bread, and my dad would tell me how Gram used to bake bread a couple times a week, the surprise is that in such a large family that she only had to make it twice. But you get into a routine, and figure out something that works.

       Baking bread has gotten so much easier. Go to a department store or kitchen goods store and by a breadmaker. Get a boxed mix, through in some water, put it in the breadmaker, hit the on button (or set the timer) and you have freshly baked bread at dinner time.
       And most people, me included can’t even be bother doing that. We head to the grocery store, and buy the occasional loaf of sliced bread for sandwiches, or different kinds of bread, including Indian Naan off the discount rack.  But not everyone has that luxury. My mother-in law in Spain used to go shopping every day- or send one of her daughters to the store. Down stairs out the door and down the street, making several stops- butcher, baker, fruits and vegetable stand. Every day there was a routine for caring for the family, fix and eat breakfast, start preparing for the main meal served mid-afternoon, clean up, and perhaps make another run to the store, to make sure everything needed for supper was available

       In northern India many women still spend a large portion of their day in the kitchen. They bake a lot of ‘Chapati’ -bread, a staple of every meal, sometimes the meal. Up to three times a day they mix flour, salt, water and oil, let the dough rise, separate into small balls, roll it out, fold it, roll it again, and finally bake over a wood stove. Probably delicious, but time consuming.  One of these days I’m going to try to make Chapati, but it won’t be over a wood fire.

       In this country we’re used to all the modern time saving conveniences that offer women the opportunity to go to school, to hold down a job, to have time to take the kids to the park. It’s not that way in some parts of the world. Women spend a good portion of their days inside a small basic kitchen. Sometimes we go camping and cook over a wood fire, but that’s for fun, not out of necessity.

       We’re used to modern, we’re used to time saving, we’re used to convenience. How would you like to cook every day in a kitchen like this?

       Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "Give us this day our daily bread"

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