Thursday, September 22, 2016

GFA day 17: How Far Would You Go for Clean Water

     I take clean water for granted, and face it, if you're reading this, you probably do too. I might have to walk all the way to the kitchen from the living room, but it's there and it's convenient. But people around the world don't always have that luxury. People walk miles to get water, and often it's not something we would consider drinkable. We might not even swim in it but people drink it, wash in it, and use it for cooking. 

     I've been involved in water campaigns before. I've asked people to join me, and perhaps give up soda, coffee, beer, whatever and take the money that would have spent and donate it to organizations that provide bio-filters. In fact I have a friend who has a charitable organization that allows people to go to India to install those filters. He works with local pastors to find families that could use the filter to improve their lives. While the volunteers are digging hole in which to install the filter, they also get to talk with people and share why they are there, laboring in the heat, and staying in what most Americans would consider less than desirable accommodations. (Or not if you like sleeping on a mat on the floor)

     Just so  we all understand. There is a big difference between walking all the way to the kitchen sink for a glass of water, and then those extra steps to the fridge to get some ice, and walking several miles to get drinkable water from a well. Usually it's women's work, and in some parts of Asia, women spend several hours a day walking back and forth, to and from the well, to get enough water for the daily needs of the household.

     Gospel for Asia has a program in place to educate about the dangers of dirty water, and the benefits of clean water, but all of that really means nothing if there is no clean water available. There are programs in place to provide bio-filters, but one filter, available for a fairly low price, generally provides water  for one family.  GFA is looking at big picture, and building wells. They're large, they're local and they're affordable.  A GFA Jesus well provides water  for an entire thirsty village. You can learn more, and help  HERE

     Every day close to 3.5 million people die of water related diseases. That's about 500,000 more than the population of UTAH (2.9 million in 2014).  GFA is making a difference, and you can help!

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